
A Simple Low Carb Life

Quality Meats for Home Delivery:

Having trouble finding grass-fed organic meats in your area?  Try US Wellness Meats with delivery to your door.  

Home Gym Equipment to Keep Yourself in Shape Rain or Shine:

With these space saving and inexpensive examples of exercise equipment that can be delivered to your door, you can keep fit, build muscle (which increases your metabolic rate making it easier to lose weight and keep it off), and feel more energetic without leaving the house or depending on the weather.  They are much less expensive than a gym membership and pay for themselves in no time.  The benefits to your health? Priceless!

Keep Hydrated and Make Your Flavored Drinks:

Having trouble keeping hydrated? Add Mio or other flavor enhancers to your water. You can find Mio, Dasani, or Crystal light water enhancers (and more) in most grocery stores or buy them from Amazon for home delivery.

Vitamins, Supplements, and Additional Low Carb Items:

Vitamin B6 and B12 are very beneficial in fat metabolism, reduces cravings, and helps decrease water retention.  For all of the benefits of B vitiams, try B-complex which contains all of the B vitamins including B6 and B12.

Vitamin Shoppe Brand

The Low Carb Grocery (online low carb products for our Canadian friends):

For a large selection of low carb products delivered to your home in Canada, visit The Low Carb Grocery website!  Save money on US shipping with an extensive variety of low carb foods and snacks from a Canadian vendor.

The Low Carb Grocery

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