Peanut Butter Coconut Bark Candy
2 Tablespoons of coconut oil
1 packet (or teaspoon) of stevia
1 Tablespoon salted peanuts (Trader Joe’s blister salted peanuts)
1 Tablespoon dehydrated coconut (unsweetened)
1 Tablespoon peanut butter (or PB2 dehydrated peanut powder)
1) Melt coconut oil in microwave safe dish.
2) Add remaining ingredients and mix well.
3) Transfer mix into desired mold (candy mold, mini muffin tin, small bowl, or whatever shape you want your bark to be)
Serves 4.
Nutritional information per individual serving:
Calories= 167, Fat= 17.3 grams, Protein= 1.6 grams, Net Carbs= 1.8 grams