Welcome to
A Simple Low Carb Life Blog:
Welcome to our blog, where you can find support for lving the low carb lifestyle.
Whether you have lost weight or are planning to lose weight, once you reach your goal it becomes challenging to keep the weight off. Our opinion is that living low carb (less than 100 grams per day and for many even less), in conjuction with moderate protein and high fat (to prevent hunger and feel satisfied) is the healthiest way to live. It is not our purpose to justify the research of Dr. Atkins, Dr. Phinney, Dr. Volek, Dr. Davis or so many other pioneers in low carb living. We have seen in our own lives and the lives of many patients that we have treated in our professional lives, that it works and is a healthy way to live.
We are simply not meant to eat the amount of carbs that the American lifestyle consumes on a daily basis!
This may be a powerful and charged statement for many people to hear, but it is our approach to nutrition and better health. If we think about our history, humans have lived millions of years with an abundance of carbohydrates primarily in the summer months, and even then only if the growing season allowed for a decent supply. "Carbs" refer to carbohydrates and in modern times includes not just sugars, but all vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, potatoes, rice, breads, pasta, crackers, and flour among others. Most flours have a high amount of carbs with the exception of only a few that are used in low carb cooking.
Let's face it....the low fat, eat every carb in site lifestyle is a failed experiment. We are fatter, sicker, and more unhealthy with more auto-immune disease and diabetes than ever before in our history.
We will add new content regularly to provide you with tips, suggestions, and ideas on how manage the low carb lifestyle. Our first focus will be assisting you in finding where to buy low carb products.
Here are a few of our favorite places to find low carb items:
Whole Foods- Many organic and gluten free items.
Trader Joe's- Quite a few low carb options if you look.
Kroger (a large family of grocery chains)- Carb Master yogurt which comes in many flavors, tastes good, and is 4 grams carbs per individual container! (No other flavored yogurt is that low in carbs that we have found).
Walden Farms (great selection of salad dressings, syrups, and sauces all zero carb, zero fat, zero calories per serving)
Fred Meyer In the Northwest with numerous low carb items (also has CarbMaster yogurt, low carb baking items, Walden Farms - syrups, sauces, and salad dressings, and low carb snacks.
Check out our Low Carb Facts page to learn how to overhaul your pantry, what low carb foods you can stock in your home, how to read nutritional labels and more.
Visit us regularly as we add content to include recipes, how to manage social outings and entertaining while living low carb, how to plan for travel, emotional eating, low carb cooking, and many other topics.

"You can have it all. You just can't have it all at once." -Oprah Winfrey