Make Your Own Almond Butter
Most people believe that living low carb is an expensive proposition and I suppose that it can be if you only want to buy only prepared foods. Whole foods has a number of options and are popping up all over the country. There are other organic market chains in many locations as well. Trader Joe’s has quite a few options as well and less expensive than Whole Foods. For those with limited income, it is expensive to buy everything at an upscale organic market. is a great superstore for many hard to find supplements, snacks, protein shakes and bars, and more. See the link on the side bar and comparison shop. There prices are often better than Amazon or local shops for items that they carry. Comparison shopping is the key: watch out for local market sales, attend farmer’s markets for produce, look for coupons or sales on meats and cheeses. Low carb living does not have to be that expensive.
Yes, that is true. However, there is a difference between cost of something and the PRICE.
Consider what preservatives, multiple food additives, the appetite stimulant properties of modern wheat, the drug-like effect of sugar on the brain and the addictive desire for it, all of which lead to poor health, auto-immune diseases, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attacks, strokes, sleep apnea….. You get the picture.
Low carb living to maintain a healthy weight and avoid the above illnesses is a bargain compared to the cost of all of that!
Let’s look at one simple thing we can do to help your stock your low carb pantry with an inexpensive staple: we are going to teach you how to make your own almond or other nut butter.
This is a simple way to make your own delicious creamy almond butter in less than 5 minutes at ½ the cost of almond butter you purchase in any store:
What you will need:
1) Food processor (yes, dust it off from your closet and give it a useful purpose again)
2) 2 cans of Blue Diamond brand, flavored roasted almonds (or any other brand you like). (They come in numerous flavors such as Rosemary and Pepper, Barbeque, Chili Lime, Habanero, smoked, salted, etc. )
3) 2 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.
-Empty the contents of the 2 cans of almonds into the food processor.
-Add the olive oil.
-Pulse the almonds until they are becoming small in size.
-Turn food processor on high and watch the almonds turn into beautiful almond butter within 5 minutes.
-Once it reaches a buttery consistency you are done.
-Transfer the almond butter into a glass mason jar or plastic container (BPA-free) with lid.
-Enjoy with sesame bread or low carb flax crackers (or any other low carb cracker or bread.
The same process works with any nuts (cashews, pecans, peanuts, mixed nuts).
Copyright 2014, A Simple Low Carb Life. All rights reserved.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed
door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. –Helen Keller